Monday, October 13, 2008

"And Now A Little About Our Families..."

If you hadn't guessed by now, we've both been married before, and are therefore blessed as we have two families.

Bev's son Michael ,with wife Di and 18 year old daughter Melissa , live in Penrith.

Mike, Mellie & Di


Bev's daughter Kerrie, and her two daughters Ella (16 years) and Cassie (15 years), live in Sydney's Western Suburbs.

Cassie, Kerrie & Ella



My daughter, Kim lives on the Gold Coast with her two sons, Jesse (14 years) and Cameron (9 years).

Cammie, Kim, Glenn & Jesse

Cammie & Jesse

Whilst we don't get to see our families as much as we'd like to, we love them dearly.